What is the real reason behind the Palestinian-Israeli conflict?


Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi wrote in his book entitled: “Al-Quds is an Islamic affair which concerns every Muslim “:

In fact, the battle started between us and the Jews because of one thing and not another, namely: they seize our land, colonizing the blessed land of Islam – the land of Palestine and expel our family, making them refugees in their own homeland, then they using iron and fire, using violence also cold blood to torment the remaining ones, then there is no other than the sword talk to replace pen!

The battle will continue to exist between us and them as long as that reason still standing and peace will not be realized as long as they force us to acknowledge their existence in the land that had been colonized, because there should be no one sovereign over the land of Islam especially with the tyrant and ruthless manner. But along with these battles, allowing it to enforced ceasefire between us and the colonial power for a certain period, short or vice versa. The truce happened simply for the sake of security and sometimes also to exchange gains between the two sides.

While we all know about the principles promoted by the colonial state called “territory of peace”; it is strange and ironic principle. Logically it is not in accordance with reality. The ‘state’ is a result of forcibly seize land that is not theirs. Because the land is ours, not theirs. It’s the opposite! In fact, they deny the flawed peace agreement that they created. They will only take no desire to give.

Dr. Mohsen Saleh wrote in his book: “40 Facts about the Palestinian issue”

Muslims do not against the Jewish because they are Jews. The basic principle in the relationship between Muslims and scribes (dhimmi) is justice and affection, giving freedom and religious rights and full citizenship rights to them under the rule of Islam. That is precisely “the Jewish problem” or anti-Semitism appeared in Europe rather than in the Islamic world where Jews then switched to it to seek safety from persecution of religious intolerance and ethnic in Europe. Muslims only against the Zionist Jews who had seized the land of Palestine and expelled its people also desecrating the holy places. Muslims will continue to fight against anyone who wants to forcibly take control of their land, no matter what religion or ethnic origin.

Islam is a religion of peace, Allah is Giver of Salvation, and Heaven is a place of safety and peace. The relationship between the Muslims stand on tolerance, mutual understanding, peaceful coexistence, and communication in a good way. Thus, Islam is against “terrorism” and against the killing of innocent people. Because Islam is the religion of truth, justice and freedom, its followers also the ones who refuse to be oppressed just as they refused to oppress. They will resist all forms of oppression in their religion and will sacrifice with the most precious thing that they have to defend the dignity and defend their homeland.

There can be no peace in Palestine as long as the enemy is still oppressed the innocents, dispossession and expulsion of the indigenous from their homeland. The spirit of resistance will continue to reverberate in the bosom of the Palestinian people, although the Western and the Zionist media endlessly manipulating the terms of “terrorism” and “peace”. (http://www.aspacpalestine.com)

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